Ignoring red flags because you want to see the good in people will cost you later.


We’ve all been there. You meet someone new, and they seem too good to be true. But, as time goes on, red flags start to appear. Maybe they’re not as reliable as you thought, or they have a tendency to be dishonest. But, you ignore these red flags because you want to see the good in them. You want to believe that they’re different, that they’re not like the others. But, ignoring red flags because you want to see the good in people will cost you later.

The first step in addressing this issue is to talk to yourself. It’s important to be honest with yourself about the red flags that you’re seeing. Ask yourself why you’re ignoring them. Are you afraid of being alone? Are you afraid of confrontation? Are you afraid of losing the relationship? These are all valid fears, but they’re not reasons to ignore red flags.

It’s also important to find your building blocks. What are the things that are important to you in a relationship? What are your non-negotiables? These are the things that you can’t compromise on. For example, if honesty is important to you, then a partner who is dishonest is a red flag. If trust is important to you, then a partner who is unreliable is a red flag.

It’s important to remember that ignoring red flags will only lead to disappointment and heartache later on. It’s better to address the issues now, rather than later. And, if the relationship can’t be fixed, it’s better to end it and move on.

It’s also important to remember that you’re not alone in this. Talk to your friends and family about the red flags you’re seeing. They may have noticed them too and can provide a different perspective. They can also offer support and guidance as you navigate the situation.

Another important thing to consider is that, just because someone has red flags, it doesn’t mean they’re a bad person. Everyone has their own set of issues and challenges. But, it’s important to be honest with yourself about the impact these red flags are having on the relationship and on you.

It’s also important to remember that you deserve to be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship. And, if someone is not meeting your needs and your non-negotiables, it’s okay to let go of the relationship.

Ignoring red flags because you want to see the good in people will cost you later. It’s important to be honest with yourself about the red flags you’re seeing and to find your building blocks. It’s important to address the issues now, rather than later and to be honest with yourself about the impact these red flags are having on the relationship and on you. Remember that you deserve to be in a healthy and fulfilling relationship, and it’s okay to let go of the relationship if someone is not meeting your needs and your non-negotiables. Take the time to reflect on the red flags you’ve ignored in the past and learn from them. And, don’t be afraid to reach out for help and support from friends and family as you navigate the situation.