Before you argue with someone, ask yourself, is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? Because if they are not, there is no point in going down a path that leads nowhere .


It’s always frustrating when you find yourself in an argument with someone who just doesn’t seem to understand where you’re coming from. But before you start getting too frustrated, it’s important to ask yourself: is that person even mentally mature enough to grasp the concept of different perspectives? If they’re not, then there’s no point in continuing the discussion because it’s not going to lead anywhere. And if they are mentally mature, then hopefully they’re also open-minded enough to be willing to consider your perspective. If not, then again, the conversation is probably not going to be very productive. So save yourself some frustration and only argue with people who are actually capable of understanding different points of view. It might not always be possible to avoid arguments altogether, but at least this way you can avoid arguments that are pointless.