In baseball, average hitter makes adjustments game to game, a good hitter makes adjustments at-bat to at-bat, but a great hitter makes adjustments pitch to pitch.


Baseball is a game of constant adjustments and adaptation. In order to be successful, a player must be able to make changes based on the situation at hand. Average hitters make adjustments game to game, a good hitter makes adjustments at-bat to at-bat, but a great hitter makes adjustments pitch to pitch.

An average hitter may make adjustments based on the opposing team’s pitcher or the conditions of the game. For example, they may change their approach based on the pitcher’s tendencies or the weather conditions. This level of adaptation is important, but it’s not enough to consistently succeed at the highest level of the game.

A good hitter takes it a step further by making adjustments at-bat to at-bat. They are able to analyze their previous at-bats and make changes based on what worked and what didn’t. This level of adaptation is critical for success and allows a player to consistently get on base and score runs.

But, a great hitter takes it to the next level by making adjustments pitch to pitch. They are able to analyze the opposing pitcher’s delivery, location, and movement, and adjust their swing accordingly. This level of adaptation is what sets great hitters apart from the rest. They are able to adjust to every pitch and maximize their chances of getting a hit.

It’s important to note that making adjustments pitch to pitch is not only a physical skill but also a mental one. A great hitter needs to have a clear mind and be able to process information quickly and effectively. They need to be able to focus on the task at hand, and react appropriately.

In conclusion, baseball is a game of constant adjustments and adaptation. An average player makes adjustments game to game, a good player makes adjustments at-bat to at-bat, but a great player makes adjustments pitch to pitch. This level of adaptation is what sets great players apart and allows them to consistently succeed at the highest level of the game.