Sometimes you need to stir up the water.


Sometimes, it can be difficult to stand up for what is right. Whether we are standing up to an unjust law, confronting someone who has done harm, or simply trying to effect positive change in the world around us, it can feel like we are swimming against the current. Yet every single one of us is capable of standing our ground, and standing up for what we believe in. Through faith, hope, and determination, we can keep moving forward even when the waters seem overwhelming. And with hope comes possibility. So let us never lose sight of that possibility. After all, sometimes you just need to stir things up a little bit by standing tall for what is right – and even if you don’t always succeed on the first try, your strength and perseverance will ultimately pave the way forward for others. So don’t be afraid to get down in that water and fight for what you know is right – go forth with courage and conviction, because when it comes down to it, a brave heart can change the world.